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Muscle Tone and Core Strength For Children and Teens

Muscle tone and core strengthening toys, tools and aids for babies, kids, children and teens.

The biggest issue with low muscle tone is that children tend to fatigue more easily than their peers. Low muscle tone occurs when the length of the resting muscle is slightly longer than usual. This means that the muscle fibres are not overlapping optimally and there are fewer points where the fibres can attach and generate pull on the muscle. As a result, the child’s muscle needs to go through a greater range of motion and more energy is used. On top of this, it often takes greater stimulation for the muscle to activate, which also increases the response time of the muscle and it directly influences the child’s performance abilities. The use of extra energy contributes to the decrease in the child’s endurance.

The items in this category give ideas and resources to help children and teens develop muscle strength to overcome these underlying issues.

On this page:

  • Activities to improve Muscle Tone
  • Core Strengthening Exercises for Kids
  • Low Muscle Tone Treatment

Low Muscle Tone

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