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Deep Pressure Sensory Toys

Deep Pressure Sensory Processing Tools

Therapy and sensory toys, tools and aids for babies, kids, children and teens.

Deep pressure does amazing things for children. It calms the restless, movement seeker, calms the hyper-sensitive, edgy child, and cues the child who struggles to know where his body is in space. 'Heavy Work' refers to a big range of activities that give a child deep pressure input to their muscles and joints. This kind of 'heavy work' stimulates the child's proprioceptors (sensory receptors) and therefore helps the child develop better awareness of their body. Our best athletes are known to have superior proprioceptive awareness!

There is also good research evidence to support the provision of deep pressure input through the use of weighted items (eg vests, lapbags, blankets) for children and adults with special needs. As indicated above, they are recommended particularly for people with sensory processing disorders and are worn for time limited periods. We recommend discussing the use of these strategies with your child's OT.

On this page:

  • Deep pressure sensory toys
  • Heavy Work Activities for kids
  • Sensory Processing Disorder Toys
  • Proprioceptive Input Toys
  • Deep Pressure Sensory Calming

Deep Pressure

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