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Developing Independence in Eating and Drinking

Therapy and sensory toys, tools and aids for babies, kids, children and teens.

For some children there's nothing fun about food at all! We have many children referred as 'fussy eaters' with very limited diets. Research has identified that over 80% of these children have physical or sensory causative factors, ie they're not just fussy eaters, they're problem feeders! Often these difficulties are sensory and/or motor and we refer you also to our Oral section of the website. Sometimes there has been a medical history and there has been pain associated with food. This may be resolved but there is ongoing fear and anxiety. In any event, it's always important to encourage children at mealtimes in a fun, social and relaxed way, always aiming to gradually extend their range of familiar foods.

We also have lots of cutlery, cups, bowls and plates in this section to help children develop their independence in eating and drinking.

On this page:

  • Tips for Fussy Eaters
  • Occupational Therapy Feeding Products
  • Cutlery and bowls for kids


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