Rhyming skills are an essential pre-requisite to reading. This game helps children practice and develop this skill in different ways. This game can be easily graded so that non-readers can listen and 'SPLAT' accordingly :)
Also work on processing speed as the caller reads each card aloud and the player scans the cards in front of them.
- If two cards are matching, the player says SPLAT! And flips the card over. The first player to flip over all of their cards wins.
- Three colour-coded decks make it easy to adapt the game for one-on-one practice or multiple players.
- For 2-6 players. Set of 225 cards: 75 calling cards & 150 answer cards.
- Includes easy directions for more learning time!
- Ready to Go: This simple yet fun game takes almost no time to learn and set up. Within minutes of opening the box, young learners can be ready to compete and show what they know. Splat! can be easily modified to make it more or less challenging for the players.