Buy SkillBuilders Super Nipper Tongs Kit online from Skillbuilders Australia
The Skillbuilders Super Nipper Tong Kit includes some of our best selling fine motor skill development tools. We also include some especially cool things that we save just for this kit! So, we choose a range of 7 different items from the following 10 options:
* Tizzer Tong (pictured in blue)
* Art Peg
* Gator Grabber
* Fine Motor Twisty Dropper
* Bubbletong
* Animal Chopstick
* Jumbo Grip Tweezer
* Squeezy Tweezer
* Rainbow Tongs
* Tri Grip Tongs
This collection will give children lots of fun while helping them develop movement control and strength. In combination they add up to almost $40, so this kit is also great value at $33.50
*Please be aware that sometimes we may substitute an out of stock item with an equally fun item. There will be 7 different tong/tweezer options in your kit. You're welcome to email us with any specific requests and we will do our best to fulfill them.