Therapy Tools and Games for Teens and Young Adults
Therapy tools, toys, games, and aids for teens and young adults.
Toys and games for teenage sensory needs. This category includes a range of tools and toys to support all aspects of development for our teenagers, as well as their sensory needs.
We have lots of age appropriate teenage tools to support sensory processing and self regulation, especially for improving concentration and managing anxiety. There are also resources to support executive functioning, eg timers for time management, journals for planning and organising, games to develop thinking and problem solving skills.
Kids at this age may also need supports for handwriting so there are some tools for this, eg to assist fluency, improve strength and stability, reduce pain when writing for long periods, etc.
If you're looking specifically for items to develop a particular skill you can also look in that skill area - eg to find items to assist with auditory sensitivity you can look in the Skills -> Sensory -> Auditory' section. You can also put 'Auditory' in the search bar and you'll find all options that mention this in the descriptor. With so many different items sometimes you need a few different ways to find what you're looking for!
Included on this page:
- Sensory Games
- Teenager Sensory Needs
- Teenager Sensory Tools
- Sensory Tools for Teens with Autism, and more