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Executive Functioning for Children and Teens

Executive functioning toys, tools and aids for children and teens.

This category includes a range of resources to help toddlers, children and teens develop the types of skills that fall under the umbrella of 'Executive Function'.

Executive functions are skills that help us to control and manage our thoughts and actions. Having the skills to organise and plan, shift attention, be flexible with thinking and self-regulate can all have an impact on how a young person copes with day to day tasks. This also stretches into problem solving and critical thinking.

You can also have a look at executive function resources in these categories for more ideas....

* Alert Programme

* Concentration and Attention


Also in this section are games and activities specifically designed to develop visual memory and visual perception skills. Working memory is an important part of executive function - for example, it's hard to follow the steps if you can't remember them! And visual perceptual activities are important for helping children learn to pay attention to details and develop sequencing skills.


On this page:

  • Executive Function resources
  • Organisational Skills for children
  • Cognitive Skills
  • Early learning concepts for young children
  • Educational games, and more