
Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy for Children in Perth

Skillbuilders provide occupational therapy services for children in Perth.


Occupational Therapists Perth

Occupational Therapy For Kids

The childrens occupational therapy team at Skillbuilders offers extensive experience, practical skills and empathy in working with children.

Our diverse range of specialties across the Occupational Therapy field includes:

  • Early intervention for babies and toddlers
  • Specific therapeutic interventions for primary and high school students experiencing difficulties at school.
  • Assisting children with sensory processing difficulties affecting their behaviour, play, independence and/or general development
  • Assisting families with babies/ children with mealtime concerns
  • Working with children with a specific diagnosis eg. Autism/Aspergers, Cerebral Palsy, Dyspraxia, Fragile X, Downs Syndrome or global developmental delay (we are panel providers for Working with Children with Autism and the Better Start Programmes, as well as for the National Disability Insurance scheme). 

Why do some children need Occupational Therapy?

Children and their families may benefit from Occupational Therapy assistance focused on the following areas of identified need:

  • ‘Babies and toddlers on the go’: Early movement skills, eating skills, routines, play.
  • ‘Pen to paper’: Drawing and writing difficulties, spelling, reading, and written expression. Kindy to ATAR.
  • ‘Fluent movement’: Coordination, balance, control.
  • ‘Tricky fingers’: Fine motor difficulties and independence skills.
  • ‘Getting in a muddle’: Organisational skills for in the classroom and at home.
  • ‘Making sense of your senses’: Sensory processing skills for learning and everyday living.
  • ‘Leaping before looking’: Concentration skills, planning, completing tasks 

Other specific reasons for referral to Occupational Therapy include:

  • Anxiety and other mental health concerns
  • Mealtime management
  • Joint pain, eg with Juvenile Arthritis
  • Post botox rehabilitation
  • School visits and Day Care visits to support access, learning and participation
  • Equipment prescription and sourcing 

Occupational Therapy services are provided either at our centres, at your home, or at your child's school or Day Care Centre. The decision as to where services are provided is made with parents and is based primarily on the child’s needs, also taking into account practical and logistical considerations. 


Occupational Therapy Group Programmes 

Click on the links below to find out about the fabulous small group programmes being offered by our Occupational Therapists:


Move Write 2 Learn

For children in Kindy to Year 2, these groups are designed to boost children's gross and/or fine motor skills, handwriting, literacy and story writing.

Move Write 2 Learn


Social Eyes

This programme introduces children to strategies to help them cope with various social situations, enabling them to practice in a comfortable, safe environment. These groups are usually for primary school aged children.


The Three R's (Regulation, Resilience, and Relationships) 

These groups provide children with strategies to assist them in dealing with friendship issues, bullying and teasing, as well as helping with emotional self regulation in the playground. 


Getting Organised

This group addresses children's organisational skills in the home and school environment. Topics covered include self regulation, problem solving, flexible and positive thinking. 


Social Teens

This group focuses on teens emotional awareness and self regulation. Designed for teenagers aged 12 to 14 years. Topics covered include the social media world, relationships as well as organisation and executive functioning strategies we need for school and in the community.


Mealtime Matters

Our Mealtime Matters groups aim to help children with very selective eating. Children are supported to expand their food tolerance through the use of a range of therapeutic approaches (eg SOS, MORE, Social Thinking) as well as through the group dynamic. 


This group is for our Littlies - for 2-4 year olds. It aims to prepare children for more structured learning environments at Kindy and Pre-Primary and promotes fine motor, gross motor, language, social and play skills. Superstars runs on Mondays 9.30 to 11.30am at Cockburn Central.



This group is a similar programme to the Superstars group with an Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist leading the group. It is designed for children in PP and Year 1 who benefit from a small intensive group programme. 



Development Squad

Our 'Squad Training' is a movement skills programme for children aged 5-12. The programme is especially for children with motor learning difficulties of any description and helps with development of strength, balance and coordination.

Development Squad


Bike Riding Group

Our group focuses on improving children's bike skills and confidence. This programme helps develop balance and strength in a way that is functional and fun.

Bike Riding Group


Mindful Movement

Mindful movement is a group programme designed and facilitated by our Occupational Therapist and adaptive Yoga instructor. This group will teach your child fun, empowering and accessible movement, breath and mindfulness. 

Mindful Movement


Download our Occupational Therapy Brochure below

Occupational Therapy at Skillbuilders 


Book an appointment

Please simply email us with your name and your child's name to register your interest for Occupational Therapy services. We will then send you our Registration Form. 

Please remember to check your email for our reply (including your spam) as we always reply!

 On this page:

  • Paediatric OT Perth
  • OT for Children
  • Occupational Therapy for Kids